HCF Gift Legacy eNewsletter 12/22/21

Dear supporters and friends,
As we head into this holiday weekend and our hearts are full of warmth, we look toward the end of 2021 with hope for a better tomorrow.
The last few weeks and months have been exciting for Hartnell College, the Hartnell College Foundation, our students, and our community. The doors of our new South County Centers have opened, our Castroville Education Center and Nursing building are nearing completion, our student athletes have overcome obstacles to claim major victories, and finals week has come and gone.
Our students are thriving in the classroom and online. We see how eager they are to complete their education at Hartnell and transfer to a university, start a new career, or start a new business of their own.
The opportunities afforded to our students would not be possible without you, the donors and supporters, who day in and day out find ways to ensure that every need is met.
Join me in continuing to support our students. MC Gives is still going through December 31 and, with you by our side, many dreams can become a reality.
Happy holidays and a bright and beautiful new year to you and your loved ones!

Jackie Cruz
Vice President,
Advancement and Development
and Executive Director for the
Hartnell College Foundation
MC GIVES CONTINUES TO BRING HOPE Emergency scholarships available for students

Thank you so much for your support of Hartnell College students’ basic needs through the Keep Our Students Learning Project in partnership with Monterey County Gives!
Gifts are still accepted through December 31st, 2021 – please make sure to make your gift before then by visiting our MC Gives page at www.montereycountygives.
Eighty-five percent (85%) of Hartnell College students come from low-income families and daily face food and housing insecurity, transportation challenges, and the need to pay medical bills. Your support through the Keep Our Students Learning project will help eliminate barriers to our students’ success even after the pandemic ends as funds donated over the last year have been quickly depleted.
Thank you for continuing to show your support for our incredible students!

Supporters like Steve Goldman make all the difference. When a few of his friends nominated him for the Hartnell College Foundation Board, he could not resist.
“I was invited to join the board by two amazing community leaders, Alfred Diaz-Infante and Kurt Gollnick,” Goldman remembers. “I could not say ‘no’! If they were involved, it must be something special, and it is! I am passionate about our students, their stories of perseverance and overcoming adversity.”
Now, seven years later, he has termed out but is eager to continue supporting the Foundation and said he will continue to be part of the board if asked.
From the time Steve joined the board, his focus was in supporting Hartnell Athletics and all of their student-athletes. For him, it was important to have a strong presence in his involvement and with his giving.

“Athletics provides opportunities and experiences that otherwise are not available in the classroom setting, like development of character, health and wellness, teamwork, collaboration, compromise, dependability, and more,” he said. “All of these are instrumental in forging a purposeful life.”
The latest wins from the Women’s Soccer Team earning the state CCCCA title, and the Men’s Soccer Team finishing a close second make Steve proud and happy to be a part of such successes.
“While the greatest lessons come from adversity, we participate to WIN! That is the mission! It is confirmation that proper planning and execution will result in success,” he said. “Seeing our student athletes achieve their goals brings great pride. At the same time, you want them to understand the importance of humility.”
Born and raised in Salinas, Goldman’s roots run deep. He actually attended Hartnell College for one semester in 1979 but he soon moved on to Virginia Tech and graduated in 1986 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Construction Management.
Goldman resides in the Central Coast with his wife Chrissy and son Stefano. He has been principal and owner of SSB Constructions since 1990. He took over the business when his brother Jeff moved to Idaho. Jeff Goldman played for Hartnell College’s 1980 football team, which was inducted into the Hartnell College Athletics Hall of Fame in 2017.
“Because it’s an opportunity for our youth to fulfill dreams of higher education that they otherwise would not, and I want to be a part of that process, as others were for me,” he said.
Steve said that if he had all students in front of him, he would say, “I could not be more proud to have our school, our community, represented by you – thank you!”
As a message to inspire students, he wants them to know thatit is great to reach a pinnacle but important to continue the effort of climbing.
Friends, supporters, donors, and board members like Steve Goldman make the Hartnell College Foundation stronger and more intentional in student success.
Click link below to support student-athletes! https://hartnellfoundation.org/athleticsgiving/
What will your legacy be?
If you are thinking about naming the Hartnell College Foundation in your estate plans, contact our Vice President of Advancement and Development/Executive Director for the Foundation, Jackie Cruz at jcruz@hartnell.edu or call (831) 444-2446 or our Director of Philanthropy, Kristine Edmunds at kedmunds@hartnell.edu or by phone at (831) 755-6903. To make a gift in support of Hartnell students, go to: https://
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- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Give from Your IRA and Help Satisfy Your RMD for the Year
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Give and Receive with a Charitable Gift Annuity
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community
- Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community