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Our Students & Your Generosity Create a Better Community

As October ushers in the vibrant colors of fall, we embrace a season of transformation and reflection. The crisp air and changing leaves inspire new beginnings, making it the perfect time to set fresh goals and connect with our communities. This month offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the richness of autumn, from harvest festivals to cozy gatherings, all while fostering a spirit of gratitude and collaboration. Let’s welcome October with enthusiasm, ready to engage in meaningful activities and create lasting memories as we transition into this beautiful season.

You have our very best!

Jackie and Kristine

Alum’s Desire to Change Lives Through an Education

Heralio Serrano’s story is about determination to pursue his dreams, the positive influence of his mother, seizing educational opportunities, achieving success in his chosen field of work, and coming full circle to help others.

Serrano came to the United States at 10 and attended many schools as his parents traveled throughout California as field workers. Changing schools so often meant establishing new relationships with teachers and friends with each move, constantly starting over. At 15, he went to Mexico to finish his last two high school years.

He returned to Salinas at 18 and began work in a nursery. At the urging of his mother, he enrolled in Hartnell College. It was not an easy path since he was not well prepared in math and English, but he persevered and transferred to U.C. Santa Cruz, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in biology. He then attended medical school at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire and concurrently pursued a master’s in public health at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. He graduated with a combined MD/MPH in 1990. Scholarship support at Hartnell and UC Santa Cruz allowed him to pursue his education.

Serrano practiced Internal Medicine at Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco until he retired two years ago. He is now a physician for a nonprofit medical clinic in San Francisco. He enjoys traveling, reading, history, and exercise in his spare time.

Maria Serrano, Dr. Serrano’s mother, did not have the opportunity to go to school but believed strongly in the power of education and encouraged her five children to attend college. One of the older daughters attended Hartnell, UC Santa Cruz, and San Jose State University and became a teacher. Another daughter attended Hartnell and is a nurse, and the third daughter attended UC Berkeley and Columbia University and is an attorney. Dr. Serrano’s brother, who attended Columbia and Harvard, is a banker in New York. Their mom also encouraged other children in their neighborhood to continue their education, making a lasting difference in the lives of many young people.

Serrano, who credits much of his success to his mother’s belief in him, has included the Hartnell College Foundation in his estate plans. He has established the Dr. Heralio Serrano and Maria Serrano Scholarship Endowment in honor of his mother, in gratitude for the education he received at Hartnell College, and to support promising students from the Salinas Valley.

In addition to a transformational estate gift, Dr. Serrano has already begun to fund the endowment that will be fully funded by his estate, allowing current students to receive scholarships. He hopes that young people from families like his will benefit from his gift and be encouraged by the support.

“If I can change the life of one young person, I hope it will have a ripple effect,” he said.  “This is how we change the world, one child at a time.”

With his gift, Dr. Serrano is changing the lives of countless young people, now and in the future. The ripple effect that began with his mother continues through Dr. Serrano at Hartnell and beyond.

“We are so proud to call Dr. Heralio Serrano an alumnus of Hartnell College – his inspiring story is an example for others,” said Dr. Jackie Cruz, Vice President of Advancement and Development at Hartnell College and Executive Director of the Hartnell College Foundation. “We are profoundly grateful for his generosity and the difference it will make in the lives of our students.”

2024 Gala for the Arts

The Hartnell College Foundation and the Council for the Arts proudly hosted the 2024 Gala for the Arts on Saturday, August 17, 2024, honoring eight remarkable individuals for their unwavering support and promotion of the arts. Among the distinguished honorees were Linda Gin and Pat Horsley, who received the prestigious Distinguished Service to the Arts Award, a testament to their dedication and contributions to the arts and community. Both Hartnell College alumni had dedicated years to uplifting the arts within the college community as donors, volunteers, and passionate advocates.

Linda, a Salinas native, built a successful career in banking, retiring as a Vice President-Trust Officer for Wells Fargo. Her commitment to community service was evident in her roles on various boards, including the League of Women Voters and the Hartnell College Foundation. Originally from Iowa, Pat pursued her love of opera and theater, teaching music in local schools and performing throughout the Monterey area. Both women exemplified a lifelong dedication to the arts and community service, earning well-deserved recognition at the gala alongside other notable honorees. Congratulations to all for their extraordinary contributions! Click here to read more.

Focusing on the education and workforce development needs of communities in the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College strengthens communities by providing opportunities for students to reach career and/or academic goals (baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees, certificates of achievement, and transfer to four-year institutions) in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success.

We deeply appreciate your continued support. In doing so, please consider these two more tax-friendly ways to give:

Give directly from appreciated stock
and receive two tax benefits

If you own appreciated stock, don’t sell it. Instead, donate it directly to the Hartnell College Foundation. You’ll get an income tax deduction for the full market value AND dodge capital gains tax. It’s a win-win for you and Hartnell’s mission. Plus, you can always buy back the stock to reset your gains. Smart giving, big impact!

Here’s what the difference can look like.

If you have questions or want to learn more about the benefits of giving from appreciated stock, please click here.

Give directly from your IRA
and fulfill your RMD

Imagine a strategy that lets you make a significant impact without touching your income. That’s the beauty of giving directly from your IRA.

Instead of withdrawing income from your IRA and paying income tax on it, you can give up to $105,000 per year directly to the Hartnell College Foundation without spending a dime in taxes on the gifted amount. This is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), and it’s available to you once you hit age 70 1/2.

This strategy can be a game-changer if you don’t need all the income from your IRA. Not only does it help you avoid taxes, but it also allows you to fulfill your charitable goals in a highly efficient way.

Plus, your direct gift from the IRA can count towards your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year. This is excellent news for those who don’t need all their IRA income and prefer to see it support a nonprofit like Hartnell College instead.

So, why not turn your RMD into a meaningful impact? It’s a savvy move that benefits both you and the causes you care about.
If you have questions or want to learn more about the benefits of giving from your IRA, please click here.

Request Your Estate Planning Guide

If you are thinking about giving the Hartnell College Foundation an estate gift from your will or trust, please contact us or learn more on our website.

If you want a free estate planning guide, please click here.

Our very best!

Dr. Jackie Cruz, Ed.D.
Vice President of Advancement and Development
Executive Director, Hartnell College Foundation
(831) 444-2446 mobile

Kristine Edmunds
Director of Philanthropy
Hartnell College Foundation
(831) 755-6903 Office
(831) 601-0016 Mobile

To make an immediate gift in support of Hartnell students, please click here.

The information contained in this newsletter is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult with your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.

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