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Dear donors and supporters,

Welcome to first official day of fall! Although the warmth of summer is still with us, we are embracing the return of autumn and all things fall.

It has been a few weeks since the new academic year began and life on campus has been quite exhilarating and inspiring for us all!

We have great news from the athletics side of the college. We have a new head softball coach, Casey Watt. Casey is the daughter to retired former softball coach Andy Watt, who held that position for 28 years. Miss Watt is following in her dad’s footsteps with preparation and enthusiasm, hoping to have an 11-member squad for the 2022 season, which starts in February.

Andy has always been a donor to the Hartnell College Foundation, supporting students through and through even outside of coaching. I am so happy to see that Casey is keeping her family’s great legacy. In this picture, Casey is sharing the spotlight with parents, Cathy and Andy Watt.

Enjoy this transition into fall and remember that I am here to help you meet your own legacy goals.

Be well,

Jackie Cruz

Vice President,
Advancement and Development
and Executive Director for the
Hartnell College Foundation

Local groups making a difference

The California Rodeo Scholarship endowment was established in 1987 with donations from the California Rodeo Committee. Marlies Hammer is the committee chair and said that giving scholarships each year out of the endowment is an exciting event for the five who are part of the group.

“We are always so happy to help,” Hammer said. 

The California Rodeo Endowed Scholarship is awarded to Salinas Valley High school graduates, who are continuing their education at Hartnell College or transferring to a 4-year institution and show both academic promise and financial need, in order to help them reach their academic goals.

The committee selects five recipients each year to receive a $2,000 scholarship each. During a normal year, the awards are given at the Director’s Dinner. In recent times, a more intimate convening allowed the awarding celebration to continue.

“It’s so exciting when we read the students’ bios and when I get to make that call to congratulate them,” Hammer said. “For the committee, it is as rewarding when we meet them at the dinner and know that we are making a difference in their future.”

When the endowment was created in the 80s, the Fiesta Committee, as it was called back then, earned the funds to start the $100,000 endowment. Since then, the $10,000 in interest has covered the scholarships and the vision of the committee on an annual basis.

Marlies is happy to volunteer for this committee. She is a mother of two, married, and an independent contractor in accounting. She is proud to be a part of a committee that cares about youth and the community.

“We understand our recipients may have additional challenges and I am so proud of our committee’s heart,” she said. “A young man didn’t even have a laptop computer and was about to start at Hartnell, and so our committee director approved extra funding – this awardee has now become one of our volunteers.” 

It is particularly refreshing and heartwarming when scholarship donors and committees make these special connections with our students. We appreciate this group and their commitment to uplifting students very much. You too can make an impact. For more information about becoming a scholarship donor, go to

[In photo L to R: Committee members – Jennifer Bates, Marlies Hammer, Paul Wiseman, Cheryl Wiseman (not pictured, Manuel Romero)]

Why make an endowment gift?

An endowment gift is a gift to an established fund that is permanently invested. When you make an endowment gift, you create a steady stream of annual income to support our good work. 

An endowment gift may be designated for a specific purpose or for the area of greatest need. Please let us know if you wish to restrict the use of income from your gift for a specific program or purpose. You may wish to make the endowment gift in your honor or in memory of another person. We can help you make a gift that creates a legacy of remembrance for you and your loved ones. 

For additional information on endowment giving or to review information about our endowment plan, please contact us at 831-755-6810. We look forward to helping you create your legacy. 

What will your legacy be?

If you are thinking about naming the Hartnell College Foundation in your estate plans, contact our Vice President of Advancement and Development/Executive Director for the Foundation, Jackie Cruz at or call (831) 444-2446 or our Director of Philanthropy, Kristine Edmunds at or by phone at (831) 755-6903. To make a gift in support of Hartnell students, go to:

Dear donors and supporters,

The new academic year has begun! We are so excited to have students, faculty, and staff back on campus both on our Main Campus, and in Alisal, King City and Soledad.

I am so proud of how administration has taken necessary safety measures to ensure a safe transition back with procedures in place to help everyone feel comfortable returning to in-person instruction.

I am sure you can just imagine the excited faces and the joy of sitting in a classroom and being in a classroom with fellow students and your instructor. 

Of course, some of our classes continue to be online, being taught synchronously and asynchronously as options to our students and faculty. With so much activity, we feel that Hartnell College is revitalized and full of life!

I want to thank you for your continuous support and dedication to our students. Your support be it as a volunteer or as a major donor, means the world to the work we do at the Hartnell College Foundation. Your legacy of support propels our students forward.

Be well,

Jackie Cruz

Vice President,
Advancement and Development
and Executive Director for the
Hartnell College Foundation

The Artichoke Festival supports the Castroville Campus

Last week, the Hartnell College Foundation was presented with a $10,000 donation from the Castroville Artichoke Festival committee. These funds are to support the new Castroville Education Center, which will be completed in the next few months.

In photo from left to right:
Clint Cowden, Dean of Academic Affairs, Hartnell College; Kathryn Parish, President of the Artichoke Festival Board of Directors; Dr. Raúl Rodríguez, Interim Superintendent/President, Hartnell College; Steven Crow, Vice President of Administrative Services, Hartnell College; Linda Scherer, Executive Director of the Artichoke Festival; and Jackie Cruz, Vice President of Advancement and Development, Hartnell College.

Ideas for Giving and Moving Forward in 2021

Our organization continues to move forward with its important work. In the midst of all that is going on, many of our friends and supporters are looking forward to the future when they can enjoy community with friends and resume their regular activities.

In response to the current situation, Congress extended some of the COVID relief tax changes to 2021. Hartnell College Foundation offers resources to help you with your tax planning and some ideas for you to consider if you are thinking about making a gift in support of our mission in 2021.

2021 Giving Incentives
The CARES Act passed in 2020 included several charitable tax provisions to encourage giving.
Congress has extended these provisions for 2021 including:
•      A deduction for charitable donors who do not itemize when filing their tax returns. If you do not itemize but make a cash gift to charity, you will be allowed to take a special tax deduction, up to $300 ($600 for joint filers), to reduce your tax liability.
•      An increase in the deduction limits up to 100% of a donor’s annual income for cash gifts (previously the deduction was capped at 60% of annual income). If you make a gift, you will be able to deduct more this year.

Donor Advised Funds
If you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) and wish to help us this year, you can make a gift from your DAF to support our work without affecting your personal financial security.

Charitable Gift Annuities
If you are concerned about your financial security given the ups and downs of the stock market, you may want to consider making a gift to fund a charitable gift annuity. You might be surprised by the benefits. You can exchange your low- performing stock, CDs or cash for guaranteed, lifetime fixed payments. If you make a gift of an appreciated asset, you will not have to pay capital gains when you fund the annuity. You may also benefit from a tax deduction this year and a portion of your payments could be tax-free.

Charitable Bequests
Many of our friends are updating their estate plans. If you would like to support our cause with a charitable bequest, we can help.  We. can provide you with a copy of our bequest language and estate planning attorney referral list. 

Please contact me for assistance with creating and updating your plans at (831) 444-2446 or  

What will your legacy be?

If you are thinking about naming the Hartnell College Foundation in your estate plans, contact our Vice President of Advancement and Development/Executive Director for the Foundation, Jackie Cruz at or call (831) 444-2446 or our Director of Philanthropy, Kristine Edmunds at or by phone at (831) 755-6903. To make a gift in support of Hartnell students, go to:

Dear supporters and friends,

I am so excited to let you know that on August 2, our staff will be welcomed back to campus! We feel great to, once again, be able to work collaboratively in person.

Hartnell did such a good job of keeping our students, faculty, and staff connected virtually over the last year, and we are eager to transition back to in-person learning and in-person work, with adjustments as needed.

More great news! Our centers in Soledad and in King City are ready for their grand openings. These education centers stand front and center in our beloved South County and ready to provide students with easy access to higher education. We are so thankful to Measure T supporters who made it possible for Soledad to have a state-of-the-art campus, and for the expansion of our center in King City.

There is so much good happening at Hartnell and we hope it inspires gratitude and joy in you who have given us so much to be grateful for.

Be well,

Jackie Cruz

Vice President,
Advancement and Development
and Executive Director for the
Hartnell College Foundation


Funding a charitable gift annuity with us is like sending your friends a postcard that says, “Wish you were here.” A gift annuity shows just how savvy you are – it shows you planned and that you have arrived! 

A gift annuity offers fixed, annual, lifetime payments, tax savings and other benefits, while supporting the causes that matter most to you. We will help you get there. 

Create a legacy, let us know your preferences, and you will be on your way to achieving your charitable goals.  Thank you for your generous support to further the mission of the Hartnell College Foundation. Call or email me at 831-444-2446 or

Political Science Professor sees his legacy flourish

It was in 1985 that Hartnell College political science professor Paul Aschenbrenner felt it was time to start helping Hartnell students with scholarships. He found information about endowments and concluded that his goal would be to create a scholarship fund to help students in perpetuity.

Aschenbrenner started the Pennies from Heaven project that same year with a mission to collect one million pennies. This number of pennies would set up a $10,000 endowed scholarship fund and fund at least one scholarship per year using just the interest from the endowment.

What prompted the urgency to begin this project was discovering that the national debt had surpassed one-trillion dollars.  Attempting to conceptualize the idea of a trillion dollars, Aschenbrenner explained to his class that this is equal to one million times one million and encouraged the class to collect a million of something with value, which turned out to be pennies.  

Ashcenbrenner was clever in his strategy. He used the 188th anniversary of President Lincoln’s birthday (the face of our penny!) to kick off this unique effort. 

A special box made of steel and glass was specially constructed and placed in the Hartnell Student Center to collect the pennies. These pennies were collected from students and community members for over 13 years before it reached the one million mark. Fast forward to 2021, this scholarship fund has grown and for over 20 years has supplied scholarships to Hartnell College students.

“We now have nearly $60,000 in the endowment,” said Aschenbrenner. “This year, my committee and I gave three scholarships of $900 each.”

The scholarship committee (which includes former students of Aschenbrenner) likes to have close contact with the recipients. Once the applicants are selected, they are invited to Aschenbrenner’s home in Salinas for a gathering. “We like to have that personal connection,” he said. “We love to hear the students’ stories and to know how the scholarship is helping them reach their dreams.”

Aschenbrenner taught at Hartnell for 28 years and was beloved by his students and campus community. He retired almost 20 years ago, but his heart has always been with Hartnell students. He loves to travel, and his favorite place in the world is Antarctica, followed by Africa. In his spare time, he loves to volunteer at his church feeding the homeless in the area.

Thank you, Paul Aschenbrenner, for showing continued care and love toward Hartnell students and our community!

What will your legacy be?

If you are thinking about naming the Hartnell College Foundation in your estate plans, contact our Vice President of Advancement and Development/Executive Director for the Foundation, Jackie Cruz at or call (831) 444-2446 or our Director of Philanthropy, Kristine Edmunds at or by phone at (831) 755-6903. To make a gift in support of Hartnell students, go to:

Dear supporters and friends,

It has been so good to see things begin to open up around us as we step into what is shaping up to be a brighter summer. It has been so nice, for me personally, to be able to see family, friends, and colleagues after so long.

Connecting with others regularly is a great way to stay informed and engaged. I hope you find this eNewsletter to be just that – a way to stay in the know of special news items and of unique opportunities to expand your involvement with the college.

This summer, as we welcome faculty and students back for in-person learning, we are uplifted to be able to offer the opportunity for students to choose to continue their education on campus.

Fall semester will be here before we know it. As the college prepares to open the doors wider, we are excited to supply students with the tools necessary to succeed. In addition, the Foundation is getting ready to connect once again with all of you at our annual events like the WELI Forum, Gala for the Arts, Athletics Hall of Fame, and more. Information will be coming to your inbox very soon!

I hope you continue to enjoy the summer!
With you,

Jackie Cruz

Vice President,
Advancement and Development
and Executive Director for the
Hartnell College Foundation

Eliminate 100% of Capital Gains Tax

Many Americans will take stock of their investment portfolio this year and discover that they own one or more assets that produce little or no income. They will consider simply selling the asset and reinvesting the proceeds in a way that will generate greater income.  Unfortunately, if you follow this strategy, you will lose some of the value of your asset to capital gains tax.

If you own highly appreciated assets and would like to turn these assets into cash without paying tax on the appreciation, let us show you how!

The phrase “low-yield asset” may be familiar to you, if you have invested over the past two or three decades. Now the most frequently asked question is when to sell your assets.

If you are like many people, you will pay significant tax on the sale of your assets. This tax instantly reduces any cash proceeds you may receive from the sale.

There is a way to avoid taxes and benefit charity with your investments. This is good news for anyone whose objectives include philanthropy.

 A Gift and Sale plan may be structured to produce an income tax deduction that completely offsets the tax due on the sale of stock.

All considered, the Gift and Sale strategy actually delivers amazing benefits!

If you would like to learn how the double tax benefit of the Gift and Sale plan can help you realize your philanthropic goals and diversify your assets, please contact me today at!

Oldtown Salinas Foundation – paying it forward

The spirit of philanthropy seems to be in the air and has inspired entrepreneurs Joel R. Panzer and Frank Savino. Just last month, under the Oldtown Salinas Foundation, they activated an endowment to provide scholarships to Hartnell students who are children of farmers in the area.

“We see how hard these families work,” said Panzer of those who are part of the weekly Farmers Market in Oldtown Salinas. “Some of the youth we wish to support are there helping every Saturday.”

Panzer and Savino were inspired by one particular young man, Romero Lopez (pictured), who works alongside his aunt Clarabell each Saturday. “He is the type of student this scholarship will benefit in order to take him to the next level in his educational journey,” Panzer said.

This endowment will honor the memory of Debbie Savino, a supporter of Hartnell College students, and also to bring tribute to Maureen Wruck, whose support of farm workers is known throughout Monterey County.

The Oldtown Salinas Foundation is a non-profit, founded in 2000, public benefit Corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Law for public and charitable purposes.

The specific purposes of this Corporation are to support, preserve and promote the development and rehabilitation of the historic downtown area through fundraising, holding special events, promoting the food and arts culture, operation of a Farmer’s Market, public relations efforts, marketing and promotion, grant writing and community education.

The Oldtown Salinas Foundation manages the weekly Farmers Market as part of the beautification project of Oldtown. Both Joel and Frank are at the front side of operations and are proud of how the Market has stayed open during the pandemic, providing support to farmers as well as healthy alternatives to visitors.

Joel is a member of his wife Maureen’s Planning Consultant team, and Frank is the owner of AquaBlue Spa.  They say the endowment will be supported each year with proceeds from participation in the Farmers Market.

“We have big aspirations for this endowment,” said Joel. “We want to make it stronger to support more students, especially those who are the first in their family to go to college.”

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